Brenda Murphy

Joint reviewReviews & ListsTop 10 Novels (B)

41 Best Erotic Romances

It’s with great joy that we bring you TLR’s 41 Best Erotic Romances. We defined the erotic romance is a book as a story where the main character’s growth is driven by

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Books Fiction (B)Butch / Femme (B)Butch / Stud Lead (B)Fantasy Novels (B)Femme Lead (B)Lesbian (B)Magic User (B)Medium Heat Physical Relations (B)Reviews & ListsRomantic Subplot (B)Short Story / Novella (B)Speculative Fiction (B)Sword And Sorcery (B)

Winter Spell by Brenda Murphy: Book Review

Winter Spell by Brenda Murphy is a short fantasy read about a goddess and her chosen warrior. Mara is a goddess who has been trapped by a sorcerer unhappy that

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25-39 Lead (B)40+ Lead (B)Age Gap (May / Dec) (B)American Lead (B)Anthology B)Artist (B)Authors Of Colour (B)Black Author (B)Black Lead (B)Books Fiction (B)Butch / Femme (B)Butch / Stud Lead (B)Chef / Foodie (B)Contemporary (B)Dramatic Romance (with lots of angst) (B)Erotic Romance (B)Fantasy Novels (B)Femme Lead (B)Hot Physical Relations (B)Jewish Lead (B)Lesbian (B)Magic User (B)Paranormal (B)Physical Relations Includes BDSM (B)Reviews & ListsRomance (B)Short Story / Novella (B)Small Business Owner (B)Speculative Fiction (B)Supernatural (B)Urban Fantasy (B)

Love, Blood, and Sanctuary by Brenda Murphy, Megan Hart and Fiona Zedde: Book Review

Love, Blood, and Sanctuary by Brenda Murphy, Megan Hart and Fiona Zedde is a compilation of three different erotic romances all set in a world of mystical, supernatural forces. Each

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Joint reviewReviews & ListsTop 10 Novels (B)

52 Best Thawing The Ice Queen Books

Welcome to TLR’s 52 Best Thawing The Ice Queen Books. This list is perfect for readers who love to watch untouchable ice queens thaw or beasts be tamed and ultimately

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40+ Lead (B)American Lead (B)Asian Lead (B)Books Fiction (B)Butch / Femme (B)Butch / Stud Lead (B)Contemporary (B)Dramatic Romance (with lots of angst) (B)Femme Lead (B)Friends To Lovers (B)Hot Physical Relations (B)Lawyer / Judge (B)Lesbian (B)Opposites Attract (B)Pet Mommy (B)Physical Relations With Toys (B)Reviews & ListsRomance (B)Series (B)Small Business Owner (B)Small Town (B)

Lockset by Brenda Murphy: Book Review

Lockset by Brenda Murphy is a small-town romance about two women who find they’re stronger together than apart. Eunice Park is well on her way to making partner at her

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25-39 Lead (B)40+ Lead (B)American Lead (B)Asian Lead (B)Black Lead (B)Books Fiction (B)Butch / Femme (B)Butch / Stud Lead (B)Celebrity (B)Chef / Foodie (B)Contemporary (B)Divorcee (B)Dramatic Romance (with lots of angst) (B)Femme Lead (B)Hot Physical Relations (B)Lesbian (B)Physical Relations Includes BDSM (B)Physical Relations With Toys (B)Reviews & ListsRomance (B)Series (B)Single Mother (B)Small Business Owner (B)Small Town (B)

On the Square by Brenda Murphy: Book Review

On the Square by Brenda Murphy is a smalltown lesbian romance that’s the first in a new series. Dale Miller does not like to get up early and it’s even

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PodcastReviews & Lists

An Overview of Sex In LesFic

Sheena, Tara and Jeannie join forces to give us an overview of sex in lesfic. They talk about: The actual difference between a traditional romance with varying degrees of sex

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