Jenn Gott

Books Fiction (B)Joint reviewReviews & ListsTop 100 F/F Vacation Reads (B)Top 100 Novels (B)

Top 100 Lesbian Vacation Novels

If you are anything like me then you love to take a good book with you on vacation, which is why we put together this must-read Top 100 Lesbian Vacation

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Action Novels (B)American Lead (B)Artist (B)Books Fiction (B)Highly Recommended Books (B)K Aten's Favourite (B)Lesbian (B)Reviews & ListsRomantic Subplot (B)Science Fiction (B)Spec Fic Top 100 Vacation Novels (B)Speculative Fiction (B)Superhero (B)Top 100 F/F Vacation Reads (B)

The Private Life of Jane Maxwell by Jenn Gott: Book Review

The Private Life of Jane Maxwell by Jenn Gott is a unique take on your classic superhero novel. As a comic book geek in my teens and twenties, I love

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