These Two Hearts by Kenna WhiteThese Two Hearts by Kenna White is a trick shot romance that, like the balls on a pool table, has you trying to figure out the angles and possible scenarios these two women can play out in order to win the ultimate game. Kenna White gives us two women, Sara and Jessie, that have no business being together. But as you read about who they are, what defines them as individuals, and how they interact with each other, you can’t help but fall in love with them and look forward to them finally being together.

Sara Patterson’s life is very sensible. She has been working hard the last few years to complete her education, and she has landed secure employment in a hospital lab off the southern coast of Washington state. All she wants to do is complete her thesis, do well at her job, and take care of her dog, Gypsy. She has no room for romance, nor does she want it. Especially not with the local, yet not always stationary, bartender, Jessie Singer.

Jessie Singer has one big dream – to become a professional pool player. It’s a dream that takes her all over the place, from job to job and woman to woman. Despite all this traveling, Jessie always returns home to the family and friends that she loves. Before Jessie can set out again, fate brings her into the office of Sara Patterson for blood tests. Pretty soon, Jessie is wondering if there’s more to life than just chasing her life-long dream and if it has to do with a certain blonde in a lab coat.

Both of these women knew exactly what they wanted from life, until their paths crossed and crashed their worlds together.

The Characters

I’m a big sucker for opposites attract, and these two women couldn’t be more opposite.

Sara is very practical in what she wants out of life. It doesn’t make her boring or monotonous. She just wants the simple comforts that all people want: a job, a house, and a steady income. Her only flaw is that she’s not very adventurous or impulsive. Even though she longs to throw caution to the wind, she’s not wired to do so, but that doesn’t stop her from being a caring and sympathetic individual.

Jessie is more impetuous. She is more homed in to her adventurous side than Sara, and it shows in her ability to pick up and move to different jobs. It is one of Jessie’s attractive qualities to Sara, and it’s a big reason why Sara is drawn to Jessie throughout the story, even though I feel it’s more out of a feeling of jealousy than admiration for Sara.

The supporting characters are fun to read as they interact with Sara and Jessie. Dr. Lesterbrook is the typical hard ass boss to Sara, until you find out the reason why he’s so hard on her and the secret he’s been hiding. Edie and Margie are both great sounding boards for Sara as she sorts through her feelings about Jessie. And, of course, there is Gypsy. The cutest little service dog I have ever read about. She’s definitely the source of Sara’s happiness.

The Writing Style

The writing style of this story reads like a romantic comedy. It’s a development story that takes Jessie and Sara on the journey from friends to lovers with all the aspects of life that come along the way, including dating other women. White gives us a lot of conversation between the characters and very little description about their inner thoughts. I really enjoyed this aspect because sometimes stories give too much detail on a character’s inner musings. What White does here is cut out a lot of the noise and just has Jessie and Sara communicate with each other, openly and honestly. It’s spectacular to read because I felt I was getting to know the characters better through their physical interactions than through their internal actions. It was much more satisfying.

The Pros

I love how White gives a physical representation of Jessie’s and Sara’s personalities and how they clash at the beginning, yet slowly start to grow on each other.

Jessie is selling a scooter she bought spontaneously. At one point, Sara expresses a slight interest in buying it. On a whim, which is in line with Jessie’s impulsiveness, she decides to take the scooter over to the hospital for Sara to look at. Sara has by now listened to her practical side and decides against buying the scooter, stating she doesn’t like to be pressured and wants to think about it more.

It’s a push and pull dynamic over a physical object that is so symbolic of who these two characters are. I loved seeing this play out and accentuate how Jessie and Sara really are the yin to the other’s yang.

The Cons

My only con was the description of Jessie. The summary, I feel, describes Jessie as more of a womanizer, which is totally inaccurate. While Jessie does have more than one relationship in this book, she is more of a serial monogamist than a one night stand kind of person. I feel this difference should’ve been a little clearer because it definitely makes Jessie more likeable to the reader knowing her intentions with women are more emotional than physical.

The Conclusion

annas favourite booksThis book has a little bit of everything that readers enjoy on any given day. Throw in a lesson in playing pool, a heavy make-out session on the table felt, some witty conversations, and you’ll be wishing you could watch this on television just as much as I did.

Excerpt from These Two Hearts by Kenna White

“Jessica Singer?” Sara read from the printout.

“Jessie Singer,” the woman replied, still sitting cross-legged, her arm draped over the back of a chair. “It’s not Jessica. Just Jessie.” She rolled her eyes up to Sara.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Jessie Singer.” She smiled, lingering a moment in the woman’s big brown eyes full of apprehension. “Are you ready?”

“Sure. I guess so.” She took a deep breath then stood. The color in her cheeks faded slightly.

“How are you today, Ms. Singer?” Sara used small talk to allay the woman’s fear, as she tried to do with all the patients she had to stick.

“I’m fine. Is this going to take a lot of blood?”

“No, just two tubes.” She stopped at the laboratory restroom and handed Jessie a specimen cup. “Could you also provide a urine sample for me?”

“Why do I need that?” She looked down at the cup but didn’t take it. “I thought this was a blood test.”

“The BRCA and CBC are blood tests. This if for the HCG test.”

“Which is?”

“The pregnancy test.”

“I’m not taking that.” Jessie chuckled sarcastically.

“Your doctor ordered it. It’s just routine.”

“I’m not taking a pregnancy test. I’m not pregnant.”

“The test measures the HCG hormone in your body and can tell if you are pregnant even before you miss your first period.”

“Look, Miss Patterson,” she said, staring at Sara’s name badge. “I’m not taking a freaking pregnancy test. I’m not pregnant. There is absolutely no way I’m pregnant. I don’t sleep with men and I don’t believe in immaculate conception. I’m gay.” She took the cup from Sara’s hand and placed it back on the shelf. “Any questions?”

“Nope. Not a one.” Sara led the way into the drawing station trying to hide a smile. She wasn’t all that surprised Ms. Singer was gay, but she was surprised at her blatant admission to it. In spite of the orders, Sara had to agree with her. If Sara’s doctor ordered a pregnancy test she would decline as well for the same reason.

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[tweetthis][Jessie] didn’t play for fun. She played to win.[/tweetthis]

Bits and Bobs

  • ISBN number: 9781594934517
  • Publisher: Bella Books

Kenna White Online