
Stunted Heart by Helena Harte: Listing

Taryn Taylor wants it all, and she wants it fast. As a stunt rider she’s always looking for the next big jump, the next adrenaline fix, and the next scorching encounter with an irresistible woman. Settling down isn’t her style and she’s sworn never to stay in one place long enough to grow roots. But when her team is asked to do a longer running show in Vegas, she gives in. It’s temporary, after all. And in Vegas, anything goes…

Dr. Cassandra Kennedy doesn’t understand why people engage in risky behavior when life is so precious and death so final. As an ER doctor she sees the devastation wrought by people being reckless, and she’s felt the pain of loss herself. There’s no way she could ever get involved with someone who didn’t take the road more cautious.

When they meet, passions ignite with off-the-charts chemistry. They both know it’s only temporary—after all, Taryn will soon be back on the road chasing the ultimate rush, and Cassandra will go back to her orderly life where she’s the one in control. Will they decide that love is worth betting on, or will caution keep them apart forever?

Title: Stunted Heart

Author: H

Release date: 1 August 2023

Publisher: Indie Author (Butterworth Books)

Genre and Tropes: One night to forever, opposites attract, celebrity, butch/femme,

Series: Available on KU: Yes


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A stunt rider who lives in the fast lane. An ER doctor who can’t take chances. A passion that could turn their worlds upside down.


To note: New Release listings are paid for listings.