
Blazing Centaurs by K. L. Mitchell: Listing

Wandering adventurer Revka and her centaur girlfriend Iyarra head west in search of easy work and cheap drinks, and find instead action, adventure, and excitement at every turn. Again.

At the very edge of the frontier, the two adventurers find themselves in the little centaur town of Red Valley, last stop on the long wagon trains out west. But the town—and the mountains it borders—guard a secret ancient and terrible, which naturally some bunch of cloaked-and-hooded goons are doing their best to unearth. So the two find themselves caught on both sides of a shadow war between two secret societies, all the while dealing with bandits, stampedes, labor disputes, and the ever-present Code of the West.

Will Revka and Iyarra manage to save the day? Will the secret buried deep in the heart of the mountain be revealed? Will the last western town be turned into a tatty suburb? And what of the mysterious goddess maneuvering events behind the scenes

Join Revka and Iyarra in their third adventure in the land of Kalazad, where the west isn’t just wild, it’s downright unhinged.


Title: Blazing Centaurs

Author: K. L. Mitchell

Release date: 29 February 2024

Publisher: Desert Palm Press

Genre and Tropes: fantasy, western, humor, existing relationship

Series: Kalazad series


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A tale of bandits, secrets, cheap drinks, and the Code of the West


To note: New Release listings are paid for listings.