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The Shadows Rise: Book 2: Shadow Makers by Silvia Shaw: Listing

The epic story continues…

In the slums of Kasparian, Shadow Monsters live in an underground bondage club, a place filled with pain and anguish. And they must be destroyed before they rise out of its depths to ravage the city. When dead bodies turn up in the town, a new heroine emerges, a half-blood Sable Cat called Tempi from the secretive Guild of Hunters,
As Bree and the descendants of the ancient House of Harlen prepare to send the Kasparian Shadow Makers back to their dimension, Savannah knows it’s only the start. They must find the nest in the north controlled by the head Witch of the Coven who wears the powerful Serpent Ring. And they need to do it before the twin blood moons let a horde of the black wraiths through.

While Savannah and Pela scramble to prepare the world for the nightmare to come, the success of the approaching battle lies in the hands of the irascible fortune teller, Esme, and the new Berian Princess, Feya, the most powerful telepath ever born.

Title: The Shadows Rise: Book 2: Shadow Makers

Author: Silvia Shaw

Release date: 30 April 2024

Publisher: Indie Author

Genre and Tropes: Fantasy, Epic, magic, warriors, shapeshifters, adventures, monsters, witches.

Series: Shadow Makers

Available on KU: Yes


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A new heroine arise as the world prepares for the invasion. 



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