Leather, Lace, and Locs by Anne ShadeLeather, Lace, and Locs by Anne Shade is the story of three friends and their journeys to finding themselves and their happy endings.

Golden is a hard-working financial executive with an incredible career and more money than she knows what to do with. Her work fills her time but not her heart. At one point she was a passionate dancer and thought her life would be about dance. But a tragedy derailed her dream and sent her in a different direction.

Now Golden finds herself with an opportunity to explore burlesque and maybe she is able to find her passion again and perhaps even love with two alluring women.

Melissa is a shy, introverted personal assistant. She doesn’t do anything more than casual and she worries about being judged because of her religious upbringing. She gets a new job at an art gallery her world is blown wide open and she comes to discover a passion for BDSM.

When she develops an intimate relationship with a mysterious client she struggles to keep it professional. But sometimes the heart really doesn’t care what the rules say.

Zoe is a single mom. She owns a hair product and beauty business with her mother and they are expanding operations. She is happy with her life and loves her friends and family so she doesn’t feel like she needs anything more. But when a client comes in for a life-changing haircut, Zoe finds that perhaps she needs something after all.

Pros And My Favourite Parts

Settings, characters with nuances, and vivid descriptions make Anne Shade stand out as an author. I enjoy the way she balances her characters, making them both realistic and yet aspirational.

It’s evident that she does a lot of research and is passionate about the stories she tells.

Heads Up

This book could use a good edit. There are sections, especially in the front, when there is a lot of lore dumping to get us caught up on the backstory. I found that a little frustrating because it pulled me right out of the story.

The Conclusion

Each friend’s journey was unique and different. I enjoyed that. I love how Anne Shade brings variety to the sector with utterly unique stories and settings.

I also loved that each woman was successful in her own right and good at her career. There is something about characters who are excellent at what they do that speaks to me as a human.

Get this book if you want something different with intertwined stories and fun self-realisations.

Excerpt from Leather, Lace, and Locs by Anne Shade

Jade and Kendra walked over, grasped her hand, and led her away from them. She was placed between them as they smoothly danced around her, giving her the opportunity to dance with each of them without her having to spin in a circle. When the band switched into a samba Jade, who was facing her, took her hands while Kendra placed hers on Golden’s hips. The three of them moved as if their rhythm were synced as one as they danced a bachata. She was spun around for Kendra to now take her hands and Jade grasped her hips. It wasn’t much different than when she had danced with multiple partners back in the day, but the smoldering looks and sexy grins they gave her had Golden’s whole body flushed with desire. When the song came to its closing refrain, they smoothly spun her a few more times as if they knew she was an experienced dancer and wouldn’t fall over from dizziness, then each grasped one of her hands, placed their other hand on her back, and expertly dipped her. That’s when Golden noticed that no one else was dancing. They were all gathered around to watch her, Jade, and Kendra and were now giving them a round of applause. She would’ve expected to feel embarrassed but instead she felt that wonderful high she used to feel after a performance as well as desire for the two women she’d partnered with.

“I think we need to take Miss Golden on the road with us, Jade. What do you think?” Kendra gave her a wink.

Jade’s full lips spread into a sexy grin. “Hell yeah. What do you think, Ms. Golden? Wanna make this duo a threesome?”

Golden didn’t miss the double entendre in her question and was tempted to say yes, but she had a feeling these two were double trouble. “I think we need to give our audience a bow, then I need to call it a night. I have work tomorrow.”

They both looked disappointed but grasped her hands and joined her in a bow.

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Bits and Bobs

ISBN number: 978-1636795294

Publisher: Bold Strokes Books

Anne Shade Online


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Note: I received a free review copy of Leather, Lace, and Locs by Anne Shade. No money was exchanged for this review. When you use our links to buy we get a small commission which supports the running of this site